Involve Your Audience

Since audiences far outnumber the number of people creating a show (we hope!) it’s important to consider the environmental impact and behaviour of your attendees as well as your team.


Audience travel generally accounts for the largest portion of an event’s emissions footprint.

  • Some Australian presenters and venues offer discounts at the ticket point of sale for audience members who commit to not travelling to/from the venue via car. If your venue doesn’t already do this, ask if they’d be open to doing so for your production, and have a discussion with them about the environmental benefits.

  • If monetary compensation isn’t possible, then there are other incentives you can offer—a thank you message from the team on social media, or maybe priority seating.

  • Whenever possible, try to select venues that are well-serviced by public transport. This will also contribute to the overall accessibility of your production.

  • Consider implementing a reporting framework to measure follow-through, like an email survey or quick survey upon ticket collection. This will make it easier to justify the next time around.

Ask for help

Reaching out to your audience for assistance is community power at its best!

  • Try reaching out via social media or community networks during pre-production for assistance sourcing materials or props, or even philanthropic support to help your team make greener choices.

  • Giving shout-outs to community partners and local businesses is a great way to engage new audiences.

  • Create an emissions estimate for your show and offer your audience the chance to help contribute to offsetting this. An optional donation at point of sale or a QR code in the foyer that links to a platform like Raisely are some options.

Be loud & Proud

Don’t be afraid to use your platform to educate and inform.

  • Share how your sustainability goals are tracking and make it part of your marketing strategy.

  • Be honest—if you don’t achieve a goal, tell people, and suggest what could be done differently. Sustainability is a learning experience for everyone.

  • Explain your reasoning for your sustainable practices. If people understand the positive impacts of their own everyday actions, they’re more likely to get on board.

  • Keep your messaging simple and concise. Be specific in how your audience can engage, and emphasise the impact they can have.